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Sep 18, 2020
Do dreams really come true?! Day 21
Home for the night: Fundy National Park, headquarters campground Distance: 36.9 km Weather: sunny, SUPER DUPER WINDY, mild B: scrambled...
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Sep 17, 2020
Life on the farm, what's the buzz? Days 17-20 PART TWO!
Home for the night: STILL the same bed in the same room in the same house! Distance: unknown wanderings about the yard and beehives...
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Sep 16, 2020
Life on the farm...what's the buzz? Days 17-20! PART ONE
Home for four whole, glorious nights: Hearth and Hive, Rebekah and Johnathan's farm Distance: unknown glorious wanderings on foot or off...
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Sep 16, 2020
What is walking on the ocean floor like? Day 16
Home for the night (several actually!): Hearth and Hive with Rebekah and Johnathan!! Distance: unknown amount of wanderings around...
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Sep 15, 2020
Is the Chocolate River actually made out of chocolate??? Day 15!
Home for the night: Hopewell Cape, just outside of the Hopewell Rocks park Distance: 70.8 km Weather: sunny and clear as a bell!...
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