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Sep 14, 2020
What happens when you stay up too late on a cycling trip? Day 14!
Home for the night: Haut du Ruisseau Nature Park, Memramcook Distance: 45.3 kms Weather: brief periods of passing showers all morning...
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Sep 12, 2020
What happens when you just surrender to the magic of the universe?? Day 13!
Home for the night: Chez Mathieu, Sackville NEW BRUNSWICK! Distance: 63.7 kms Weather: overcast and foggy, very warm and muggy....
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Sep 11, 2020
So now you're back on the's it feel? Day 12
Home for the night: Edna and Mark Boon's yard Distance: 56.7 km Weather: overcast, misty and drizzly in the morning, clearing to sunshine...
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Sep 10, 2020
How do you do nothing all day?! Day 11
Home for the night: Driftwood Beach Cottage! Distance: 0 kms Weather: overcast to start the day, calm and peaceful. Clearing to sunny and...
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Sep 9, 2020
How do you feel after hiking for three days?? Day 10, Cape Chignecto
Home for the night: Driftwood Beach Distance: 20.2 km hiking/1.8 km biking Weather: misty in the morning, fog clearing early to a bright,...
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